داستان آبیدیک

mass flow rate


1 شیمی:: دبی جرمی

at flooding when the mass flow rate of gas phase is known. Moreover, the flow parameter is a function of mass flow rate and the density of the fluids. For the heat capacity model, up to a 2% deviation was found between the data- bases near the saturation line, and an increase in deviation was observed near the critical point, thus resulting in a maximum 12% deviation in pumping efficiency for the 1.5 kg/s mass flow rate case. It was found that up to a 2% of deviation exists in different models and that the maximum deviation of pump efficiency calculated with different property databases can reach 12% in the 1.5 kg/s mass flow rate case [111]. The diameter calculation method specified by the MIT Carbon Capture and Sequestration Program shows that the pipeline diameter is a function of maxi- mum allowable pressure drop, the CO2 mass flow rate, the CO2 density, and the Fanning friction factor.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 مکانیک:: آهنگ جریان جرمی

The conversion efficiency of a catalyst is the ratio of the rate of mass removal in the catalyst of the particular constituent of interest to the mass flow rate of that constituent into the catalyst: e.g. : " Time-Resolved Measurements of Hydrocarbon Mass Flow Rate in the Exhaust of a Spark-Ignition Engine," SAE paper 720112, SAE Trans. plotted against Reynolds number, defined as where m is the charge mass flow rate, is shown in Fig. 12-5. This approach has been used extensively with engine cycle simulations which predict engine performance characteristics from a thermodynamics-based analysis, to calculate the mass flow rates into and out of the cylinder (see Sec. 14.4). (14.3) , (14.9), and (14.10) or (14.11)], coupled with information on the mass flow rates into and out of each volume [e.g.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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